Male, 18 and an extrovert at best.
Currently taking the Diploma in Experience and Product Design in Singapore Polytechnic.
Oh and I'm just like you, only better.
No matter how hard I climb I'm still not getting there. Time's almost up. Help.
School nowadays are okay. Met a lot of people and made new friends. Wenan and Keef are okay, just that sometimes they piss me off. Friends dont dis friends k. Trina's nice, Nurul too. Jing Xuan's friendly and so is Michael Jackson. *eyebrows vibrate* :D Yes I know, we have our very own Michael Jackson man. Righteousness.
Not in the mood to blog really. Just not wanting to neglect my blog. Heh. Hence the forced post.
Oh yea and guess what? I've been appointed a very well-respected status in my class. I'm not really sure of what I'm supposed to do actually. HAHA. But whatever, Idc. I have a status now, already? Hehehehehehehehehe. *rubs hands together* I swear, the whole class's gna burn.
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Me, Wenan and Keef keep getting momentarily lost most of the time. Really! I feel like some hobo almost all the time siaaaaa. ): And I have no idea how Keef could actually decipher the Sp map. It really looks as if it was randomly drawn and coloured by some 5 year old. I couldnt bloody understand it. Maps are for losers anyway. Only on weekdays. *flicks hair*
This girl's bloody brilliant and has mad skills. Must listen ah!
Allen and Ama's damn nice la. Such great group leaders we have. :D Allen's seriously 101% like Guangrui man I swear. LOL. :S
The orientation games and all were quite fun ah. Wanted to paoto but I got double the consequences eventually. Shit, HAHA. It's an inside thing. :O
You know the other day I had my rash right I told my mum and I said "So exciting man, have rash." And my mum was like "You crazy or what? Who would want to have rashes?!"
Amneh doesnt think I'm weird. How great is that? My guess, pretty great (!) :D:D:D
Just had a nice talk with Trina just now. Discussed a couple of interesting things. She's so weird la wle! HAHA. xD
And there was also this other time (actually no it was just now) there was this lady giving out free things. YAY FREE THINGS. And I thought it was a sweet. So I unwrapped it with much joy and excitement and immediately put it my mouth. And guess what? It was actually an eraser.
WTF HAHA. Mika and Amneh laughed at me. How sad.
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That other time I went to Bedok for Flag Day and I was frigging late. HAHA. So Keef had to go to Bedok by himself *cue sad face* I collected $23.20! *eyebrows vibrate* Couldve collected more but we socialised more than collecting. Chillax-ed in KFC for 2 hours? Heh.
I had such a supercalifragillisticespiallacrazy strategy. *acts excited* Each time I see someone, I'd be like "Miss!" or "Hey Mister!" And each time they wna run away from me, I'd chase after them and say "Donate la Mister, 10 cent can 20 cent also can." HAHA. I think that's why I didnt collect much. ): Even sadder. ): And I'd even ask people talking on payphones to donate. Hehehehehehehehe.
I went for configuration again just now. Vonzell is configured now. :D I am happy. *winks* And it didnt take as long as last time too, 3-4 hours man. This time only less than two hours. Heh, thank god Desmond wasnt there again too. It'd be a really queer dejavu if he was there too again yo. The odds are like 10:1 HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, rightttttt. *flicks hair*
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*flicks hair again*
This post is so boring. Even more sad. :S Bye bye.