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► / Wednesday, March 31, 2010 @ 7:08 PM

I'm blogging again after *counts fingers* almost TWO weeks!
Golly, it's been really that long huh!
But guess what, you guys didn't really miss much though because I've spent most of my time
staying and lazing about at home while watching Heroes!
And That's So Raven! :D

I love love love Emma from Heroes. Idk why but I just love her.
Reasons could be because of her innocence. Another could be because of her power.
It's so ... spudunculous. Right right right, hehe I know.
Camp 2 weeks ago was alright, forgot what happened though HAHAHAHA.

So Heroes, I really hate Samuel!
I used to think he was a good guy, something similar to the vibe I got from Noah Bennet in the earlier seasons.
But boy was I wrong! He is so badass in a bad way!
Loved Tracy though, but seriously, can she be given like a bigger role?
I'm getting tired from seeing her from the sidelines.

And when Sylar became a good guy at the end? Loved it! Hahaha.

You know what, my brain has been failing me since ... well, Poly started.
Seriously, I doubt I still remember shit about my Chemistry and I used to love it so much I swear I almost thought the O Level paper was set by a 5 year old.
I got a B3 though but that's besides the point!
Who am I kidding, I have no point.

SO ANYWAY! I have not been working because Ella cheated my feelings!
Yes she did!
Lazy to elaborate so I'm going to leave you guys a distaste of what she did to me.

Oh last Monday, I came back to school with Alvin and Gene to discuss on the DXPD label and facilitate some workshop for Huayi Secondary students.
Honestly, I was quite nervous since we had to actually improve and critic our group of students, just like what our lecturers did for us.
I really enjoyed the experience. :D
Plus, my group of guys were awesome.

Huayi kids: Who are you texting?!
Huayi kids: What are you tweeting? That you're stuck with like, 4 retarded secondary school kids?
Me: Yea sure! *starts punching in my handphone buttons*
Huayi: Really?!
Me: *shows Boonhui my phone*

HAHAHAHAHA, I bet they were shocked.
Oh and my group has a majority of Chinese names I swear I had a hard time remembering them!
Serious! It was that hard! =(
So I wrote it down on my hand while they watched. LOL.
Good times, good times.

To tell you the truth, about the label, I wasn't that ecstatic, just because, I was still SO discouraged over my lousy GPA.
I really felt that I didn't even deserve to be there. =(
I used to think I did such a better job this time round, having so many praises from teachers.
Did you guys know my VS Storyboard was even selected for an exhibition along with the other frontrunners of my design course? :D
So all in all, I just don't understand why I got such an undeserving GPA score. =(

Oh well, we could brood over how depressing my GPA was, OR, we could just live in the moment and move on.
Idk about you guys, BUT I choose to live in the moment, move on and do better next time round.

(This is the point where you guys are supposed to agree with me. If not I'll be very momentarily depressed.)

Time to eat lunch. Yes, at almost 7.30pm. I have a very sad life. =(
► / Thursday, March 18, 2010 @ 7:30 PM
Hey kids!
Reason for HIATUS, well, I don't have one.
Hahaha. BUT! Guess what, I have camp tomorrow!
Hell yea! Idk why I'm so excited, maybe it's because I dislike the fact that I'm trapped at home these past 2 days because I've fallen really sick.
So hopefully I'll get well enough to make it tomorrow.
If not, I bet Ella and Zakk would be really sad and depressed tomorrow w/o me hehehe.

Oh I think I know why I'm really excited already!
I miss my friends, duh I can't believe I can't point that out earlier haha.

Two days ago, I submitted my photobook and had lunch with Gene!
Thanks dude, for treating me to lunch! :D
Afterwards, met up with Alvin and went down to Eunos together to collect my cheque.
The 7-11 there finally had the mp3 that Alvin wanted so he was pretty ecstatic that he finally has an mp3. Hahahaha.

So American Idol, Didi was awesome. Siobhan was majorly awesome. So was Katie.
Michael Lynche and Aaron Kelly ftw man! I hate Andrew and Casey, idk why, but seriously, I get so turned off each time I see them now. Haha.

And hell yea! I have a phone again now, and I'd be lying if I said I'm in love with this phone.
It's Sony Ericsson and I think the buttons suck, along with the programme it runs on.

So life has been hard recently. Family problems, but oh well, everybody has their fair share of family problems right?
I mean, we can't choose our families.
But I guess we're the ones that really suit and belong in that family, that's why God assigned us as our parents' children.
Makes sense, no?

Woah, I know right, I can be so deep if I want to haha.

Kthxbai, I forgot that I needed to pack for tomorrow. Shit.
► / Friday, March 12, 2010 @ 1:43 AM

'Like' it on Facebook or face the consequences kthxbai. :>
► / Wednesday, March 03, 2010 @ 3:37 AM
Top 10 Things that I Love or Love to be.

1) Bubble tea.
2) Seafood and mushrooms.
3) Sing, act and dance. I want to become a professional actor, who can sing and dance.
4) Sushi.
5) Glee.
6) Fruits like mangoes, longan, pineapple.
7) Melodrama.
8) Whim.
9) Randomness.
10) Famous.

I just felt like telling people. Hahaha.