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I like to smell things.

Click on the Ad and I swear I'll be good.
Oh and the poll's retarded so don't bother doing it.

► / Sunday, January 23, 2011 @ 5:33 PM

I'm supposed to be making my studio mock up now but after this revelation that I had a few hours ago, I'm so screwed because I realize I don't have paperclips at home! I know right! PAPERCLIPS. I just need 2 of them and my mock up would be complete. Sigh, my house is so pathetically stocked.

I'm also supposed to be doing a mock up of my leaflet design for VC but I need to take photos! I need good photos to put inside my leaflet but given the time frame of less than 12 hours now, I don't think I can do it? Hopefully Erik and Agnes accepts what I have to show them tomorrow, since my leaflet's gna most likely be a simulation of the real thing. And guess fucking what my packaging too! I just realized I forgot to add in the 'volume' part and now it's like fucking flat? HOW COULD I FORGET?! SOMEONE PLEASE SLAP ME.

Yesterday I went to Holland V with Amneh to find cheap bubble solutions and I really wasted my whole day yesterday because I discovered that JP's Diagon Alley sold them too, at 50 cents some more! So much more cheaper!!! So after Holland V, we made our way to Chinatown to hunt for my bamboo copter but to no avail! We searched high and low but we couldn't find any. D:

And if you're planning on going there now or anytime soon, DON'T. I repeat, DON'T. Unless you want to get raped. The whole place was freakin' packed and I felt so helpless sigh. Really felt like slashing all of them with my ez link card I swear. Perk of it all would most probably be my free Each A Cup milk tea hehe, because Amni was late so she owed me. <':

Okay Alvin might kill me if he found out I told you guys this but I'm gna say it anyway because it's just TOO EPIC. Guess what, Alvin had such a tragic fail moment last Friday hahahaha he fucking fell?! At the stairs outside FC3 LOL it was so epic. He was carrying our Japanese food and his teh o p. and I was like "Do you really have to jog?" And shortly after, HE FELL HAHAHA. It was so funny when I think back to that incident. And there was this group of people behind and I bet they got the shock of their lives when they witnessed it themselves lol haha roflrofl. He actually crawled for a bit before he finally stood up and my poor Japanese food packet got flung out of the plastic bag, but it was still safe to eat though thank God! Oh but Alvin's teh was like, leaking? Hahahahahaha too funny I can't take it okay end.

American Idol has started to air and it's gna be an awesome season. I love the new panel of judges, they're so funny and animated! They're on a league of their own. Also, the new contestants this year are awesome as usual. I'm quite proud that the majority of the singers who're amazing are around my age and even younger!! Steven Tyler is so funny and amazing and need I say more about Jennifer Lopez? J.Lo is gorgeous! And her legs look amazing for her size heh.

I'm not weird but I just sucked on my water bottle, hoping to drink from it but the cap's still on sigh.

If you did not know, I'm not dancing for Chingay already because of some internal complications but instead, Iain just invited us several days ago to perform for this coming poly year's FO and it's such an honor, really. Hopefully we get to perform 2 songs. I'm thinking one would be a mash up with maybe Zakk and Yusman or whoever it is in SD who sings, and the other would be a duet by me and Ella. Most probably our take on 'Oops I Did It Again' or 'We'll Be A Dream'. Excited. :D

A print ad I did to stop smoking. :)

Nice my granddad just came to visit! I love it when my loved ones come over, lifts the whole mood in the house, especially for me since I'm feeling so troubled and a little down in the dumps today.

I'm getting another ingrowth on my left toe and it hurts so bad! I'm such a klutz sometimes and end up attacking random objects at home and each time that happens, it'll bleed even more and clot there! So worried that this would lead to another operation and it's seriously not the right time for something like this to happen to me. My life is so messed up. Polyclinic trip indefinitely.

Haha PJ during his bra presentation. Too funny. ;)
