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I like to smell things.

Click on the Ad and I swear I'll be good.
Oh and the poll's retarded so don't bother doing it.

► / Monday, October 11, 2010 @ 1:25 AM
Something ugly this way comes.

I might be thin and have the metabolism rate of Claire Bennet or something (?), but you've gotta admit, I have one muscular neck LOL naise.

So Benedict came over to my house today and it was about time. Its been ages since we last met up and drew on each other's bodies but it's okay, we 'caught up' so that's all that matters. See what I did there? <':

Okay sometimes I get the ultimate confusement of my life and find myself facing a really hard decision. Specifically my problem is this ... :> or <:? I mean, is there even a difference, whichever way I turn it? Same goes to (: and :). WHICH ONE SHOULD I USE? Damn, this is much harder than the other time I was contemplating on whether to get a double fillet meal or a double mcspicy meal. On the plus side, I'm having some KFC tomorrow for lunch! Righteousness.

I lost 3 followers today and I have no idea who I have to be hatin' now.

School starts in approximately 7 hours and I'm still awake now! Gah I can't sleep too early because my body clock is already retarded and fixed to my routine of sleeping before 5am. Just because, I'll get like a really uncool insomnia attack which forces me to not sleep, like at all. I think you can refer it to a conscious sleep, I don't really know. But what I do know is that it's way worse than having lesser sleep but at the right time for my body.

I'm sorry I'm not perfect. :'<(slash)>':

Me and Zakk have decided on our last GEMS!!! And we also have a pretty fullproof plan mind you and I'm ready to kick some ass. *flicks hair*

Fuck yeah it's almost 2am now and I still refuse to sleep until like, after 2.05am. 8D
