▲ hollow-definition.blogspot.com
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I like to smell things.

Click on the Ad and I swear I'll be good.
Oh and the poll's retarded so don't bother doing it.

► / Saturday, October 16, 2010 @ 2:57 AM

So I'm going to blog soon! Just a short update, keep checking back!

Just so you guys now, whatever I might not mention here at my blog, I might or would've mentioned it on my Twitter account above! Click it to make your way to my profile page where you can follow me if you want!!! But please remember that I might not necessarily follow you back #justsayin. Hahaha above's inspired by Syazwani, so yea lol.

Till next time. I'm off to watch some tv now because the new Facebook photo uploader application thing is pissing me off.

Look!!! Now they tell me that I'm left with 7 minutes but it has yet to budge since 15 minutes ago? And it already took like more than 5 hours to upload around 250 photos?!?!! WHUT.

I'm suddenly craving for teh peng. Fuck.
