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► / Thursday, May 28, 2009 @ 10:31 PM
Deadlines deadlines,

(Today dont have picture cos I very lazy wnawna put)

Today was damn boring.
Stayed home the whole day cos I was sick.
38.6 degrees!
And yet, I still didnt manage to blog anything because I am just plain lazehhhhhh.
Somebody spank me please.

But at least I managed to do the logo for my name card already!
I feel so accomplished.


Almost all my major assignments have to be handed up next week!
So much torture!
Must chiong all the way man, but then I also have to put in a lot of effort for them all too.
Good thing now I have more time to do my plushie passport which actually had to be submitted today, along with my other projects for FDS.
Since I didnt go school today!
So it's okay. ;)

Instead, I went over to the Jurong Polyclinic earlier this afternoon and it was damn scary!
I had to do many checks and fill in some stupid forms just to enter the building. -.-
Then like all the people inside wore masks and I felt very threatened omg.
And I waited for an hour plus because the staff went for their lunch break.
WTF, never mind, at least dont have to wear that stupid mask can already.


In the end, while I was waiting for the doctor, some nurse came up to me and asked me to wear a mask.
And guess what?
I had great difficulty wearing it, HAHA.
The mask wasnt like any other mask, theirs were more complexed and seemed as if they had a specific method on wearing it.

In the end I managed to put it on!
But I could hardly breathe. ):
Tsk, LOL.


Dance practice was fun this past Wednesday evening.
Didnt like the fact that I kept being singled out cos I didnt come for the previous session.
Thus not knowing the dance steps.
Tsk, very demoralizing eh!

However, the dance was okay la, just that I had difficulty memorising the steps.
I hope I can make it through the auditions on 8th June!
Wish me luck, a handful are really good sia and they're auditioning too.
I should poison them. >D

Oh and that very day when I was on the way to school on the mrt
this really weird Indian guy sat beside me.
And guess what he did?
He was humming some Indian song damn loudly!
Very annoying please.
Felt like slapping him.
On the other hand, this really annoying-looking woman sat beside me.
I think she's Thai or something because she was shouting at some other lady across
(okay maybe not shouting, just speaking really loudly)
in some weird twisted language, lol.


She kept fucking kicking me because she kept fucking folding her legs and each time she does
she'd fucking kick mine and I swear I feel like ramming her w Vonzell. D<
Stupid bitch.
I hope her country has Swine Flu too.
Then again, they already have it, dont they?
Ah I apparently dont upgrade myself in world news ... so
Ah, well.

Tomorrow I'm going to school!
Tsk, cos only took mc for today.
Didnt hit me that I could get one for tomorrow as well.
Guess I was delusional, again.


Happy Birthday Fah!

Love you.

Happy Birthday Swelwin Hotbro!

What do you think?

K bye, movie tomorrow night with most of F.MC!