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Hi, you don't need to know my name.
Male, 18 and an extrovert at best.
Currently taking the Diploma in Experience and Product Design in Singapore Polytechnic.
Oh and I'm just like you, only better.
She's still watching you. :O
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3C Class Blog
Hairul: The Testosterone Mad Metalhead
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► What's Wrong With Teachers Nowadays ? / Saturday, July 21, 2007 @ 11:25 AM
Tsk, Teachers & I Love Luna Lovegood !
Before I start, just a random issue that I'm going to bring up. Changed blogskin again. :DD . Actually, I got pretty effing tired of always having to see that nude patrick everytime I load my blog. LOL . Hope that this is much better, even though its PURPLE. Hopefully, I'll be able to change it to maybe a BROWN colour possibly. (:
Well, back to my post (:
Nothing much happened this week actually. Only two stuff that happened was that yesterday was a very event-happening kind of day for me and Harry Potter and The Order Of The Phoenix !
Anyway, now I'll start with Harry Potter ! Zomg, it was such a nice movie siahhs. Only thing was that the storyline wasnt as good as the others. But nevertheless, it was really a nice movie. I watched it two times, consecutively in total siahhs.
1st time was on last Tuesday, with Calvin, Mabel, Xiao Tong, Farah, Yin Bao, Hafizah and Amni. During that day, we waited outside the theatre for Mabel to arrive cos she was held back by her Chinese teacher luhhx. After that, we went to waste time for a bit and finally entered the theatre after buying popcorn and such. We sat down and I was indeed excited to watch the movie, especially to see LUNA LOVEGOOD ! I seriously found her really really lovely ! I want to marry her liaox. Well, I can dream can't I ? LOL .
When Luna made her appearance during the film, lols, I went all excited. Anyway, during the movie, Calvin was sitting on my left while Xiao Tong, on my right. Calvin kept commenting about this and that and I found it annoying at times. He even told me that he wanted to watch this movie and that and blahblahs as well. On the other hand, Xiao Tong kept on tugging on my right sleeve cos she found lots of parts in the movie to be scary. She keep on pulling lorhhs, and shrieking for a bit. LOL .
My 2nd time was with Aliffah, her sister, Terry and Jia Li. I've leart more stuff about Terry that day, and I so love him, as a godbro of course (: . Liey went to accompany me, Terry and Jia Li to JP and we had quite a lot of fun in the bus. We kept calling each other stuff like, chicken rice, roti prata, etc. I also added a couple of malay words and phrases as well.
Speaking of me and my malay, I've been practising it a whole lot this past few days. I always speak in malay to almost everyone I set my eyes upon. Almost all of them asked me not to, cos it sounded weird and funny. Some even said that I spoke like a Thai lorhhs. Hmph. While others, like Wani, told me to speak more malay, so that my malay could improve. XD .
Anyway, I really had a good time on the 2nd day. I hope that I could spend more time with Terry in the future. He is really the most sweetest little creature I've ever met. So many things about him, but I rather not expose them. Chey, expose siahhs. XD .
 Zomg, Luna Lovegood ! <333333333 .
Tsk, after watching the movie two times, I'm now so hating Dolores Umbridge. Hmph, stuhpid Pink Umbrella Women. Pink, cos she's obsessed with that colour, and Umbrella, cos it goes well with Umbridge (:
I kept on saying, "fuck you" to Umbridge siahhs. =X .
Anyway, back to my 2nd topic, I started yesterday like any other day. Met Eileen at level 2 to find Hairul going into 1B classroom, and making a nuisance of himself in there.
Then, we were all like, "Ehhs, wtf siahhs. Ask him go out lah."
Joel said that he tried to do so, but he'll end up getting back inside again.
After all that crap, we went to the parade square to assemble and this assembly was slightly different from the others though. Ms Priya came that day, cos she didnt come on the day previously. Mrs Krishna, our new co-class mentor, was trotting by and made unneccesary comments about Marilou's and Sherly's ear-rings.
Then Sherly was all like, "But Mr Goh didnt even catch me for my ear-rings lorhhs."
Then Teng Yin was sitting behind me and she told me that it wasnt allowed.
Marilou had two, one in the normal position while the other was in her ear-bone. She did the kind of, 'oh ohkay ohkay yahh whatever' thing to Krishna. LOL .
After that, she went complaining to Ms Priya. Shit her larhhs. She kept quoting every single word Sherly told her earlier, and plenty other admin stuff. Teng yin was like telling me that she hated the women behind her, which apperently was Krishna. Nobody likes her mind you. XD .
Speaking of Krishna, this was my 'inference'. She uses 'Gatsby Moving Rubber' on her hair, to maintain its firmness and uses a gigantic hairclip that was possibly bought the same time as Ranamasalalamamonalisamita. She also sticks this freaky comb in her hair, and it has always been there ever since. My guess is that it got stuck there, as her hair is too curly-wurly for it to be removed. Apparently, she didnt apply enough Gatsby. XD . & everytime her hair were to get released from its artificial firmness, she'd be able to remove the comb, in a stylish manner, to keep the dangling strands of hair in place, ignoring the fact that the comb might be stuck in her hair. She carries a notebook or her's, called 'PASSION' wherever she goes, most of the time. This shows that Krishna, is all about passion... yahh right. ;DD .
After flag-raising, Ms Priya went to hold back half of the class while the other half were free to go. Damn. Then, she went to each of them, inspecting their attire/hair. This wasnt her at all.
After getting 'adviced' by her, we went back up to class to find that it was malay lesson. Shit, Linah. Hate her lah, but yet, she's still better than Inah.
Me, Lyana and Afiq went to the Annex Room 1 for our malay lesson, to find Linah not there yet. So, we went to sit around behind the bookshop. I found Kendra there from her classroom, then she approached me and I told her to help me bring her spare phone, as my current one got spoilt. Dunch ask. XD . Fuck, MY PHONE SPOIL LIAOX.
Soon, Farah, Amni, Azri and Syazwan arrived and joint us. Syazwan went away after putting his stuff on the table. I thought he went to the toilet, but apparently, what I could infer was that he called Linah cos we saw him with Linah walking together to the Annex Room. Tsk, why did he have to do that siahhs ? Hmph.
Anyway, she brought us to MPR 3, and she gave out the malay workbooks there.
She then asked me, "Syaiful, jelaskan sebab kamu tidak melengkapkan latihan lisan itu ?" I was like, damn.
*In English, "Syaiful, please explain to me why you didnt complete your listening exercise ?"*
Then she continued, "Mesti ada sebab, kerana saya tahu awak seorang pelajar yang konsistent. Kamu ada sebab untuk tidak melengkapinya Syaiful ?" Again, damn.
*In English, "There must be a reason why you didnt complete this exercise, cos I know that you're a student that's consistent. Is there a reason why you didnt do so, Syaiful ?"*
Anyway, I hate people calling me Syaiful. XD .
Then I was always saying no. But, Linah didnt believe me. She assumed that I didnt do that listening exercise in my workbook, cos I lent it to Eklima, so that she could copy. The copying part was true larhhs, but she only copied for half the period lorhhs. I still had half of the period more to do, but when I tried to tell her that it wasnt entirely Eklima's fault, she still insisted in Eklima being the cause of me not doing it.
Anyway, after all that, it was time for some English with Ms Priya.
She told us that we needed to do an Informational Report on topics, that've been assigned to us. I got the topic, Countries. Tsk.
She asked us to discuss on what we're planning to write about. My group at that time, was Nabilla, Farah, Azri and me. We kept laughing at dunno what thing lehx. Then, our laughter was interrupted by a surprising disturbance.
Ms Priya asked Alvin's group to get out of the class, cos they haven't been discussing and instead, studying for a bio test, which I apparently didnt know about. After another time of asking them to get out, Alvin went all pissed and left, along with his other group members.
Then, Ms Priya said that she really gave up on 3C. Tsk.
After English was Biology lesson. We went for Bio and got back a test where I got 4/8. Yay, I passed. ;DD . Anyway, Biology lesson on that day was in the air-con room. Yes, I called that room the air-con room. XD . Edmund and Dickson were told to stand behind cos they were misbehaving. Well, Edmund was. Dickson was still ohkay ohkay lorhhs.
Next was Recess. Then, was two periods of effing chemistry with Ms Gan.
Azri, Nabilla, me and Farah kept laughing during Chemistry lorhhs. LOL . Really laugh alot alot one luhhx. Then Farah said that she laughed till she almost get heart attack siahhs. I think we laughed over weird and pervertic stuff like saggy boobs. Dunch ask. XD .
Anyway, Ms Gan went to pass my area and told me that I wasnt paying attention, but I was lorhhs. I just didnt understand what she said (: . Then, she continued on teaching (talking ot herself was more like it) . Then she told me, "Since you got nothing to do, come and help me to give out these papers." I was like, fuck you larhhs.
Then I went to give out. I took my time to count the papers, then Ms Gan approached me and told me to give out the papers faster or she'll shout at me. The last thing I would want is her to shout at me. So, I gave out faster.
Then I went to sit back down and looked at Ms Gan.
She asked me aloud, "What are you doing ?" Then I replied, "Nothing."
Then she said, "No, you should be doing something."
I was like, really, WTF SIAHHS. I did nothing wrong that time lorhhs. She's damn picking on me siahhs ! I really did nothing lorhhs, cos she wasnt even teaching anything during that effing period of time.
After she told me that, I rolled my eyes lorhhs, as in to diao her, cos she say anyhow bahhx, dhen she said again, "Don't you know that rolling your eyes at a teacher is very rude"
FUCK HER LAH. I was like, oh come on lah.
Tsk, to think that I said that she was cute. Hmph.
Anyway, hmph. Cant believe that Aliff won Anugerah 2007. LOL . I have my reasons. And I finally found out who's his gf. She's a friend of mine, and I didnt even know. Lols, I should've known, cos its like, just under my nose.
;DDD . I'm HUNGRY For Luna Lovegood & Ashley Tisdale !
Zomg, I Oh So Love Luna Lovegood and Ashley Tisdale !
If you people have most likely noticed, I'm in Love with Luna ! She's my Lovely Little Princess. A Silver Lining. A Goddess. XD .
Ohkay, she might not always look good, especially before becoming Luna, cos before getting the part of Luna Lovegood in Harry Potter, she was an average student in Ireland, named Evanna Lynch. She looked fugly during that time. =X .
But after getting the part of Luna, she became one heck of a gorgeous angel to me. ;DDD .
Some pictures of Luna and everyone worth seeing in Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix.
& Zomg, I cannot wait to watch High School Musical 2 on Disney Channel ! I'm certain that it'll be a blast, even better that its first movie.
Just watched a short music video of one of its songs, and gosh, it was lovely. Ashley became a whole lot prettier and hotter. Zomg.
;DDD . Anyway, yay ! 3C is going to the Parliament House on Monday for our Learning Journey (: . I'm super excited to go there siahhs. Who knows ? I might even meet the Nathan guy, or even the Loong dude there. Fuck, spoilt phone, equals to no pictures. Dang. Tsk, I want to take pictures of the Parliament House the lorhhs. Hmph. But yet, I still cannot wait to go. Hurhs.
BYEBYE <333 .