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Hi, you don't need to know my name.
Male, 18 and an extrovert at best.
Currently taking the Diploma in Experience and Product Design in Singapore Polytechnic.
Oh and I'm just like you, only better.
She's still watching you. :O
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► / Sunday, May 25, 2008 @ 4:06 PM
Student Council
Below are replicas of my previous existing posts. So yeah, please dont read it la, cos its so fucking long. Haha, unless you want to. So if you want to, maximise the font buy using the configurations of your IE or MF. ;D The posts below are all about my experiences in SC, only the ones in camps cos I feel that they're the most enjoyable ones. {:
My motive here, is to show you all, prove to you all, how much SC meant to me, till I had to jot down every single thing which happened during SC camps. Really, I practically typed down everything which was still, somehow still existant in my mind now cos I felt that almost every single thing was and is still important. No exaggeration of the truth. Only, on how the story was really told.
Student Council June Camp 2007
I Love Love SC Camps !
I’m now going to explain to you all what went down during my councilor june camp. Sorry for the late-ness though. It was roughly fun I guess. And one more small thing. This post is really kinda long, so I apologise for that. XD .
In the morning, I went there early, cos I would always come late almost every other camp. So, yeah. Went there and waited for the other councillors to arrive. While waiting in the concourse, Hajjaz and his people started distributing the june camp t-shirts, and it was really quite fugly if you ask me. But its ohkay larhhs. =) . Really.
I saw Terry there. He told me he wasn’t coming lehx. Then he still can come. Haix, he’s one weird kid, but I’m kind of grateful that he came. Now, got one more person to pei me. XD .
When all of the councillors arrived, we went to put our bags in the dance studio and headed back to the concourse for some ice-breakers. I paired up with Imran while Glena paired up with Terry and Kendra with Jowynn. The IC for that game was Hui Shi. She asked us to sit down facing each other with our feet touching the opposite person’s feet. I very hard want to explain larhhs.
Jowynn sat beside me and yeah, she was as crazy as ever. The game was quite boring, cos all we had to do was to allow our legs to be stationary while the other councillors went to walk over them. LOL .
After that, we headed back to the dance studio. There, we were given our new camp groupings. My group was Group 3 and my group kinda sucked cos the people I wanted to have in my group wasn’t really in my group at all. I got Ahmad (sec 2; our group leader) , Zahid, Vanessa, Hui Lin, Wei Heng and Haryati. Like, wtf ? Haix, but its ohkay larhhs. I really wanted Adila, Terry or Stacie in my group though.
If I could remember correctly, after that, we attended this workshop conducted by Ying Nam and Hui Lin at the dance studio. It was quite ohkay I guess. It teaches us how to manage stuff well and stuff liddat. Smart plans and Unsmart plans to be exact and stuff related liddat as well. During the workshop, there’s this activity where each group was needed to plan something related to councillor. Ahmad drew the topic ‘animal’ . My group discussed and discussed and went to write down blahblahblah. The time given to us to complete ths activity was actually kinda short, so we didn’t get to finish it. When Ying Nam announced that the time was up, my group were all like hurrying to finish it. Then, Ying Nam said something like, “Syaifullah’s group.” Then I was like, LOL ? My group was the only one still fidgeting with the ‘Mahjong Paper’ . After some briefing again, Ying Nam, being oh so kind, gave us five minutes to tidy up imcomplete work. So, my group went to finish our work up. When we finally finished, we still had extra time. So we went bonkers and decorated the paper. LOL, after they finished decorating, I went to take a marker and wrote this word really big at the bottom of the paper, “VIRGINS !” Bwahahaha ! My group members were like, WTF ?
After all that, all the groups are needed to present their work. I noticed something while each group presented, Hajjaz. He was like, always asking questions for the groups presenting to answer. Wtf ? When it was my group’s turn to present, Haryati and Vanessa went to present for our group. Our presentation was mainly about a fundraising project at the zoo. Fundraising as in selling handmake stuff, like animal bookmarks. Then, Hajjaz became very Hajjaz-y and asked us a question. It was something like, “What’s the use of selling in the zoo when there are already shops selling there ?” Then my group was like wtf ? Then I answered by saying, “Cos handmade stuff had more significant value.” XD .
Terry also asked my group a question which I cant really remember now though. But one thing I could remember about his question was that, he was, in a way, sabo-ing us. Shit him larhhs.
After that, Azlin briefed us about the games and their locations. She paired up Groups 3 and 4 together when playing the games. Well, this meant that my group would be mainly competing against group 4. Well, hope you know what I mean. Our first game was at 2B classroom with Shafiqqa and Elvin. We were supposed to play this improvised version of concentration. I think my group got full marks for the 1st level. Bwahahaha ! It was really very fun. We shared lots of laughter when playing it. We used a balloon instead. And our hands were unfortunately tied around our backs. We could only use our heads to pass around the balloon. It was really very fun I tell you.
The second level was practically the same as level one. Only difference was that we’re supposed to be holding a cup of water behind our backs and after the time given for us has passed, we were required to pour the water in a storage container thingy and the one with the most water wins and would get more points.
Water. Not a good word. Groups 3 and 4 went bonkers and kept pouring water at each other. Jia Li went mad and poured at Hui Lin and Wee Song. Haryati and Zahid went pouring at each other as well.
After getting a free bath, we went off at the front of the bookshop for the game, ‘Imitate Me’ led by Shery. We were actually supposed to play this other game, that again involves water, but since it was drizzling, it got changed to ‘Imitate Me’. The game was rather boring actually. We were supposed to pick a picture and pose accordingly to it. The game finished rather quickly though, so we had a lot of free time, and Haryati made use of her free time by pouring water at Zahid and vice versa.
While waiting, the drizzling subsided. So, Shery planned to let us play that water game, so she brought us to the car potch area. But sadly, we were like really excited cos we get to play that game bahh and it was seriously gonna be lots of fun, but in the end, ended up not playing it as the other groups came already. So, we needed to head on to our next game at the concourse with Audrey. Denard promised us that he’ll make us get wet, but in the end, he didn’t. Tsk.
Well, the game a the concourse was called, “Wireless Communication.” We were supposed to pick a card from Audrey and each card contains some instructions each. One person from each group are required to be blindfolded while another was required to tell the blindfolded one the instructions. The rest were supposed to be standing far away from the communicator and the blindfolded one. When the game started, we acted out the instructions to the communicator and the communicator would tell the blindfolded one what do. Our blindfolded one was Ahmad while his communicator was Zahid.
The instructions were quite fun actually. Between you and me, when Audrey’s back was turned, my group members cheated abit and ran all the way to Zahid, so as to let him read off from the card without as acting it to him. Shhh, dunch tell. XD .
After that game, we headed up to the archive area to play another game, conducted by Hui Shi. We were supposed to be in the middle of the hula hoop. When in there, we were supposed to walk past thw whole 2nd level and find flags of a certain colour. Each flag contains a letter of the alphabet and our colour was light blue. Ahmad was kinda ke lian co she needed to piggyback Zahid. Poor thing you. Anyways, we managed to get all the letters and formed up the word, “DEVELOPMENT.” LOL . Ahmad was exhausted by the time we finished and he went to have a rest while my other group members searched once again, cos we were afraid that maybe we had missed out some of the letters. We actually finshed that game before Group 1 though, even though the game was really quite tiring luhhx, but we PERSEVERED. Bwahahaha ! Ohkay, shut up Syaifullah.
Zomg, I’m over-talkative again. Syaifullah shall be silent for a minute.
. . . . . .
And here I go blabbering again. XD .
After that game, we went to have our lunch at the canteen. Nasi Lemak ? Yuck, I really hate eating it for lunch. If I’m having it for breakfirst, I guess its ohkay, but LUNCH ? Wtf ? While waiting for us to get served by the nasi lemak, Wei Heng saw Denard and he remembered the promise Denard made about letting us get wet. Denard replied rudely towards Wei Heng. Wtf ? Wei Heng was just reminding him about the promise he made, and Denard still has the nerve to be bu shuang liddat. Tsk. He didn’t even fulfill his promise some more luhhx.
I only ate half of the nasi lemak as I didn’t really feel like eating that time. Haryati did not even eat. She only ate the chicken provided int the nasi lemak. Ahmad kept on taking chili from each one of us as his one had run out. What can I say ? He loves his chilli. (:
While eating, saw Mr Kan there too. He was pointing his camera towards my area again. So, I looked there other side, trying to avoid his eye.
After that, we headed back to the dance studio to retrieve all our stuff so that we can transfer them to the training room. After transferring, we sat around in our camp groupings and waited for further announcements. Shafiqqa, the Talentime IC, went to brief us about Talentime.
Last June camp, my group got 1st place for Talentime. So dunch jealous ohkay ? XD .
After the briefing, she asked the group leaders of each group to come forward and pick a topic for Talentime. My group picked, ‘First Day of School’. Then, when Shafiqqa read out all dhhe topics and we found, that our topic was not read out. Apparently, our topic was not involved. So, we had to pick another topic. Then, Ahmad picked, “Problem with Drug Addicts.” LOL ?
We had about one and a half hours only to prepare our skit. It was really kind of short, but we finished just in time though. Almost everyone in my group gave ideas and suggestions and we decided to go with Vanessa’s one.
After our preparation, we gave ourselves a water break. Hui Lin, me, and some others stood one side of the corridor near the level 3 toilet while watching Azri, Zahid, Syahir, etc playing with the balloon. Unfortunately, the balloon dropped out and landed on a bush in front of the bookshop. -giggles- Too bad for them lorhhs. Play play play only they know.
After that, we returned back to the training room for a workshop by the Alumni people. We waited for a while, cos the Alumni people havent come up yet. So, Ying Nam went to entertain the rest of the councillors by doing some cheers and introducing all the 'beasts'. Wtf ? LOL, Ying Nam forgot about me. Then, Haryati went to sabo me. Then Ying Nam told everyone about me, the Drama Best. Damn you Haryati ! =.=" .
Anyways, I made a nice concept map of all the 'BEASTS'.
There's Goygoy Beast(Yi Han), Kaya Beast(Glenda), Sexy Beast(Ying Nam), Kerosene/Act Shuai Beast(Wee Song, Shuai Beast(Limus), Goose Beast(Jia Li), Sick Beast(Hui Lin), Drama Beast(Me), Flexible Beast(Azri), Slow Beast(Hui Yuan), Blurr Beast(Chu Thing), 100% Bodoh Beast(Hajjaz), Fire Beast(Raden), AAA Beast(Ahmad) and Haversack Beast(Yong Shun). Sorry if I missed out anyone though. I love the BEASTS !
Anyway, they finally came up and they started with their workshop. During their lecture, Glenda sat beside me and suddenly, ‘disappeared’. Then she came back after some time with white socks. She warned me that Mrs Goy caught her coloured socks and asked her to change into white ones. I was like kinda scared, cos I was wearing coloured ones as well. If Mrs Goy were to catch me, I wouldn’t even have white socks to change to. Then, Glenda told me that she would ask me to buy a pair at the general office if I didn’t bring a pair with me there.
One thing we did with them was where we discussed about the problems we encounter during our councillor duties with them. We were supposed to write down examples and solutions of problems on the ‘mahjong paper’. I went to write about times when people hide food in their pockets when going out of the canteen. Ohkay, I admit that I didn’t write my point I correct English. Then, Mrs Goy was looking at my point and she kinda scolded me cos I didn’t write in proper English. She asked me to rewrite another time in correct English. Tsk, teachers.
This time, I think Hui Lin presented luhhx. After all the presentations, we headed to the hall for some games, conducted by the Alumni. They briefed us on the game there called, ‘Trust Fall’ or something liddat I guess. We were supposed to stand upright on the bench, located at the near end of the hall. We were required to fall of it, WILLINGLY. Zomg, WTF ?
Almost everyone tried to fall off while the others are on the hall ground. Their jobs are to catch the person falling. I still remember the reactions of some people who fell. Chu Thing’s hands were released from its safety position and it unfortunately hit Ahmad Sec 3’s jaw, Ouch.
I went to conceal myself near Eunice, who was sitting on the ground of the hall. She was sickly, that’s why she’s allowed to rest. I was really scared of heights lehx. I could even faint one. Soon, Haryati and Fitriah joined me and Eunice. To my displeasure, Mrs Goy spotted me, Haryati and Fitriah and asked us to join in the queue of people falling. I was like showing a sad face to her so that maybe she’ll let me off, but apparently, she was as sadistic as she looks.
For those who really really didn’t want to fall off, Mrs Goy came to talk to them. Fitriah was one of them. She said that she became vomit-y when seeing people fall. Then, Mrs Goy went to nudge her to just attempt once. I still remember one thing Mrs Goy said, which is, “How do you feel if you’re the only one who didn’t try this?” == .
There were three stations there. Each teacher occupied different stations. Mr Kan’s was at the left end of the stage, Mrs Kwok’s was in the middle, while Mrs Goy’s was at the right end, which was unfortunately my station. Mrs Kwok’s station finished early. So, they called people from other stations to come and fall from their station. To my displeasure, they spotted me. So, I’ve got no choice lorhhs. Die die must jump. As I was standing on the bench, Syafie, one of the Alumni, adviced me about some stuff about safety. Mrs Kwok was beside me and she said that I was surely very light. == . Then, I told her that I weighed 55 kg. Then she said, “Nevermind. Only 7 kg more than the previous one. Come on, you can do it.” I thought she was encouraging me, but unfortunately, she was encouraging the catching people. Tsk.
So, yeah. I fell off and it was indeed, scary. After falling, Mrs Kwok kept applauding saying that the people falling after me should follow my good example of falling straight. LOL, I guess I trusted the councillor catching me. XD .
After that, I crawled over to Haryati who seemed to be sitting alone, looking all scared and miserable. I almost feel like crying siahhs. It was such an undescribable experience. She said that she’s having a stomach ache. Saw Adila crawling as well, after she fell. Zomg, I so love her siahhs. XD . And my review for this game ? NEVER play it.
After that game, we headed to the concourse for our next game, ‘Animal Farm’. We were given an animal each and the thing is, we needed to make the animal sounds of our animal. Fuck, Ahmad picked chicken for us. Nevertheless, its was still ohkay. I was number 3 in my group, so this means that I needed to say, “pok pok pok keck!” I needed to say ‘pok’ 3 times, since I’m number 3 bahh. So what ? Well, this is the difficult thing. After all that, we were taken to the parade square where we were brought to different parts of the parade square… BLINDFOLDED. Then, we were needed to make our animal sounds, and identify our group members.
Well, when the game was going begin, I heard Mr Kan’s voice, saying, “Syaifullah, you’ve been trying to run away from my camera the whole day.” LOL . I quickly went to turn the other side. Ohkay fine. I didn’t knw where was my other side cos I was, in a way, blind bahh. So I just turned around and covered my face. Stuhpid Mr Kan. I seriously kept avoiding his camera one siahhs. Then, he kept on tailing me, wanting to take my picture. He thinks its very funny maybe. Tsk, photographers.
The game finally started. I went ‘pok pok pok-ing’ away and I found Haryati really quickly, since she was positioned nearby me. So, I held on to her wrist and tugged her with me, while finding my other fellow chickens. Heard many weird sounds though. Those who kept making their animal sounds were fed a marshmallow. I want larhhs ! But 2 events happened while I was trying to find my other group members. I could have sworn someone touched my dick. I really didn’t know who it was. Perhaps it was one of the other councillors who were blindfolded? There’s this person who I unfortunately bumped into. He/She didn’t want to get out of my way. So I pushed he/she out of the way. Whoever that was, I’m really sorry luhhx.
Finally, me and Haryati found our fellow chickens and sat down. We got everyone in my group already. Then, we took our blindfolds off and it was blary-helled bright. We waited for the other groups to find their members and sit down. While waiting, we say Group 4, Jia Li and Wee Song’s group still up and going at one corner of the parade square, while we also saw another member of their group, Yong Shun, searching for his group at the other end of the parade square. Yong Shun was the only one missing from their group The Alumni people went to them and kept them from going near each other. My group, being very kind, –cough cough- , shouted at Jia Li where to go, so that they could find Yong Shun. Finally, they got reunited, and it felt so good. XD .
While waiting I saw Mr Kan again. I gave him a dirty look as I knew he wanted to attempt to take my picture again. I looked the other side. Then, Mr Kan went to the other side and looked away from me. Fuck, I didn’t realize but I think he took my picture. He aimed his camera at me while he was looking away. Hmph~ just he wait. I go bash him up than he know. Bwahahaha !
Oh No. I’m over-talkative again. Syaifullah shall be silent for a minute once again.
. . . . . .
Yayness. Time to open up my mouth again. XD .
After that game, we played this last final game called, uhhh, I dunch remember what its called luhhx though. The sec 4 seniors plus the Alumni would place coloured flags on areas on benches/tables/themselves. Our job is to pick a colour, and run around an area with the bench and tables to find the flags with the colour we picked in ascending order. There should only be one person from each group in that area at a time. I think there were 15 flags. My group picked red colour. We shouldve picked orange actually, cos we could see lots of orange flags, since they were exposed more.
The game started and we unfortunately finished retrieving all flags and got either 4th or 5th position. When it was my turn to go into the zone, my flag was stuck to the back of the ex vice-president. Wtf ? Hui Lan was there and she used her hand to voer the number of the red flag. I knew that it was the one I was supposed to look for. So finally, I grabbed it and ran back. When it was my other turn to find a red flag, this ex councillor senior guy went to conceal my flag in between his big palms. I knew that that was my flag. When I approached him, he walked away from me, pretending to not know. Then, he bent down in front of a bench, pretending to look for something. I couldn’t waste anymore time. So I just reached out for the flag and finally, got a hold of it and ran back.
After finishing, group 7, who picked purple colour, couldn’t find one of their flags. Then, Yingling, the ex sc president said that we were to send a representative from each group to find that missing purple flag. Those who were to find it, would receive extra points. Then, my group went all excited and everyone from my group went to find that missing purple flag, while the other groups only sent one. I was practically alone in my group lorhhs. LOL ? Wee Song saw that I was the only one left in my group, and kept shouting, “Group 3 Cheat !” Then I was like, “Shhh, dunch tell larhhs.” XD .
Gao Xian found the missing flag I think, then after that, we went to rearrange all the benches and tables, cos it was barbeque time !
After that, the other councillors went to sit down on the parade square while waiting for the food to be ready. I noticed that they weren’t sitting together. What I mean by this was that the sec twos sat together in a circle while the sec one guys and girls sat down in separate circles. Then, me, Wei Heng and Elvin had nowhere to go and sit. The rest of the councillors were doing some tasks and barbeque-ing. So we went to the sec twos and asked them if they wanted to join together to make one big circle. One of them refused, so yeah. What to do ?
So, we went to join the sec one girls. After some time, we got bored. So, we decided to play ‘handyplus’. Bwahahaha ! After that, it was finally time to eat as the food was ready. After taking, we ate it lorhhs. The barbequed food wasn’t ready yet though. So, we could either eat fried rice or some noodles. The noodles had lots of bean sprouts, so I didn’t eat them, and fried rice instead.
The fried rice was ohkay I guess. After some time, the barbequed food was ready. So, some of us rushed there to take some. LOL . I managed to eat only one hotdog. Pathetic. Lalalalas~ After eating, I went to sit near Adila, Eunice, Stacie and Kendra. Went to talk with Adila, Stacie and Kendra for a little while. Stacie made this, “masterpiece’ of her’s using potato chips. This was how it looked like.
She even posed with one while Kendra used my phone to take her picture.
LOL .While the others were still eating, heard the sec 4s singing Guo Rong a birthday song, cos it was his birthday. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY GUO RONG ! LOL . When the barbeque ended, we were supposed to assemble at the concourse for the stepping down ceremony.
Hajjaz asked me and Adila to help to clean up the area. So we went to clean up lorhhs. While cleaning up the tables, we saw Guo Rong kana attact by his cake. His face was covered with chocolate cake lorhhs. LOL . We also came across the Alumni’s packet of marshmallows. Since I wasn’t ‘fed’ with it during ‘Animal Farm’, so me and adila went to dig inside for any leftover marshmallows and luckily, there were three left. Adila ate 2 while I hate only 1. LOL .
After that, carried the tables and benches back into the canteen. Then, waited in the concourse for the ceremony to begin.
After a couple of minutes waiting, the ceremony finally began. Abdullah went to give his speech first, followed by Raihan, Chia Liang, Zulkhairi, Guo Rong, Hui Lan, Nicolette, Zulfikar, Meimei, Hakim and Theresa. Some of them were teary when they presented their speech, but Theresa honestly cried. When I see people cry, I would always cry with them one. But this time, I was just teary.
After that, we all headed back up to the training room for Talentime. First group to present was group 6 with their topic, “In The Detention Room.” It was really kind of lame actually. LOL . I rate it a 5/10.
Second group performing was group 6 with the topic, … uhhh, ohkay. I cant really remember the topic, but I know that involves murder. It was quite ohkay I guess. A 6/10 from me.
Third was group 5 with, … ummm, well, its something foreboding larhhs. It was really very fast though. A 6/10 from me. Its something like, three guys walking through a cemetery for no particular reason whatsoever and they encountered some strange incidents on their way.
Fourth was group 4, with the topic, “A Car Ride With Mr Thomas” LOL, it was really imaginative. Its about a group of people who are in Mr Thomas’s car. He suddenly fainted cos he was drunk. Then he woke up in dunno what land and blahblah. A 7/10. XD .
Fifth was my group, group 3, with the topic, “Promble with Drug Addicts.” I was quite nervous actually. I asked Yi Ting to hold my fone for me just before my group performed. Zahid was the drug addict, Vanessa and me were average students, Hui Lin was the narrator, Ahmad was Zahid’s dad, Haryati was Ms Hottie, while Wei Heng was the victim.
This was how my story went down. At the beginning, the scence shows Zahid in his room, sniffing glue. Then, his dad comes and knocks on his door, saying that it was time for school and that he was late for school already.
Scene 2 shows Wei Heng deliberately hitting Zahid’s shoulder, and Zahid didn’t like it.
Scene 3 shows a scene in a classroom. Me and Vanessa was sittng next to Wei Heng, Zahid and Ahmad. Ms Hottie, who was Haryati, entered the class and she started teaching. Wei Heng keeps disturbing Zahid for no reason and eventually, Zahid couldn’t take it anymore. He asked Ms Hottie if he could go toilet and she allowed him. Then, Zahid also asked if Wei Heng could accompany him, cos he claimed that he was scared of ghosts, and Ms Hottie allowed that as well. So, Zahid and Wei Heng went to the other side of the stage and Zahid started beating Wei Heng up. Ahmad saw this and alerted Ms Hottie, then we all crowd around them, kepo-kepo-ly. Then, Zahid was too dunno what shit till he pushed Ms Hottie away till she fell and fainted when she tried to knock some sense into Zahid. Then I went to nudge Ms Hottie, by slapping her in the face and tugging her shirt. Then, Vanessa went to call the ambulance and THE END. XD .
Next group was group 2, with the topic, “My Experience at a Rock Concert.” And dare I say it, this group went real ‘creative’ when they took ‘rock’ literally. LOL . Gabriel was the host of the concert and he was indeed so cute can. I’m giving give it an 8/10. But it lacks basic construction and its level of creativity still has a lot to be desired. XD .
Then, lastly, was group 1 with the topic, “Gang Fight.” To many people, this skit was by far, the best one. LOL . Adlia and Jowynn were the narrators while the others acted as gangster superheroes. I’m kinda lazy to elaborate but trust me, it deserved a 10/10 from me.
After all the groups performed, we awaited for the results. Finally, the outcome was decided. First to be presented were the first 3 groups who scored the highest points for the games. I couldn’t remember the 3rd and 2nd group at all, but I only know that Group 1 got 1st in games. Next, it was Talentime results time. Hmph, my group, group 3 got 3rd. LOL, but I’m happy enough already. Group 1 got 2nd. Like, wtf ? This came to much of a shock to me and many others. They were by far the best group luhhx. Then, 1st was Group 2. LOL ?
After that was wash up and supper. Half of the groups were supposed to eat supper first, while the other half were supposed to wash up first. Well, I was supposed to wash up first. Haix, no one pei me luhhx, cos Elvin/ Yong Shun was supposed to go supper-ing first. Good thing there’s still Elvin. He go pei me, secretly. LOL, shhh dunch tell. XD .
The guys were allowed to use the girls toilet in level 2. Walao, it was sooo clean ! LOL, and yeah. The girls could use the level 3 boys toilet. Hehes, I sneaked into the girls toilet and took a picture. Shhh, dunch tell. Plus, I know that its fugly, but I was in a hurry to leave. That place just gives me the creeps. I looked a little gayish though. =.=" .
Went to put all our stuff in the hall cos the guys were going to sleep in there, yet again. After that, I went wash up-ing, then headed down for supper. Hmph, they gave me chao tar chicken. LOL . After supper-ing, went back up and wasted time in the hall. LOL, was sooo bored can. Then Terry came to pei wo. LOL, he’s great. Good didi. Then after that, me, Elvin and Sanjay went to go one round around the 2nd level. While walking, it was of course dark. So, we hardly could see. LOL, while we were walking past the area between 1D classroom and 1t2 classroom, Elvin went knocking down the dustbin. LOL ! After we finished our round, Elvin told me that he wanted to go back and lift up the dustbin. So, I called Terry to pei us. LOL, he was afraid of the dark. But I persuaded him otherwise. After lifting up the dustbin, we went to do our final preparations before turning in.
When I was fast asleep, I was suddenly awoken by the voice of Mrs Goy ! Wtf ? It took me a long time to get to sleep and she had to ruin it. She woke all the guys up and did a sudden spotcheck. I was like wtf ? Why ?!?!?!
After all the checking, Mrs Goy and Mr Kan told us that there was cigarette smells in the level 2 toilets. LOL ? I kinda knew who it was, but its better to not expose the truth. XD .
Finally, it was morning again. Woke up unwillingly at around 6.30 am in the morning. Went to wash up with Terry and Elvin. Then, headed to the canteen for breakfast. LOL, bread ! Its self service actually. LOL, we were given a jar of either some kaya or peanut butter. Kaya tasted awful if eaten without bread. I'll wouldnt even want to touch peanut butter. I totally hate that sticky, smelly stuff. Yuck.
I was forced to eat the remainder two bread, cos nobody wanted to eat them. Walao, was sooo stuffed. Then, we did some debrief in the training room. Then we took some pictures ! LOL, I want to see the pictures lehx ! After that, we wrote a message for the sec 4s and yeah, break camp !
Student Council November Camp 2007 (I didnt finish this post cos I was too lazy. ;D)
Sunday, January 27, 2008
This is the continuation of my previous post. As you all might know, I had my SC November Camp in November last month.
Woke up, looked at my watch. Then, I went back to sleep again. HAHAHA. When I woke up the next time, I almost jumped out of bed cos it was already around 7 plus, and I needed to reach school by 7.45 AM. Alamak, so I went to bathe and blahblah then after that, ignoring the fact that I was already late, I still took the bus. LOL.
When I reached school, I saw almost the whole sc already sitting down and waiting in the concourse. Fuck, so pei seh. *hinting that I'm speaking like Farah* I went to the back and set down my large and in charge (but promiscuous *makes horny face*) bag on the floor. Seribaba then nudged me.
Baba: You took the bus arhx? Syaifullah: Ya? Baba: Eh, I took taxi lehx!
HAHAHA, some people just cant be calm as promiscuous as me. I know la, late already right, but then to take a cab? Ridiculous! You wasted money only lor Baba. Hurhur. After blahblah, the facilitators came by and did something realy stupid! LOLS, they were re-enacting that friggin mocca commercial thing on that muscular guy. The theme for the camp was ... The Medieval Times! So, the facilitators (I'm just gonna refer to them as trainers since its easier to type) aka, the trainers, were dressed like royalty; with capes and other, uhhs, royalty stuff. HAHAHA, they looked so ridiculous la.
We were then grouped. Fortunately, I was in the same groups as Adila! Haha yay! I think Vania and Baba was also in the same group. Phew, ever since I had a traumatic experience involving Ahmad Khairi during my Bintan trip (I apologise that I'm not blogging about that, cos I feel lazy. It would also be as long lor) , I had an uber phobia.
Syaifullah 'The Amazing', has spoken. :D;
Sec One Orientation Camp 2008
Saturday, January 26, 2008
HELLOS. Haha sorry I didnt blog for so long. Apologies, cos I've just gotten my internet back. Haha, and it's as promiscuous as ever. Actually, there are many stuff that I'd want to blog about, but then I seem to forget everything that happened since my last post. So what the heck, I'll start from last few weeks, during the orientation programme.
Lols, the councillors were supposed to report quite early on the first day of school for a briefing. After that, we were then supposed to hold class tags. I wanted 2C's one cos Ranamasalalamamonalisametallicakamalamoosambabumaggiekarimita Chakabuluthi's in there. She's the most promiscuous one there is. What, it's true. *shocked face*
Fortunately, I did get to hold 2C's class tag ! Whooo, I felt so excited. I finally got to see Ranamama. We didnt get to see each other during the holidays. D:
After holding it before the pledge, etc, we went to sit down. After that, we went back to the concourse to wait for dunno what thing. After all the sec one classes headed to the hall, the other class leaders etc went up there too. After getting intro-ed, blahblahblah, the sec one classes head to their new classes and me, Joanne and Elvin followed 1N2 cos unfortunately, I was their class leader along with my other sc friends. Alamak, to tell you the truth, I'm really biased against NA and NT classes. OOPS. Idk why, but I just dont like NA and NT attitude. I really prefer taking express classes. But, unfortunately, I couldnt get everything I want cos Adila put me there.
We went inside 1N2 and did some admin stuff. OMGOSH, Krishna was the temporary class mentor of 1N2! Yay me ! I actually hoped that either Krishna or Ms Gan would be the class mentor of whatever class I'm taking, so yeah, at least it came true. During admin time, Krishna and 1N2's actual class mentor, Ms Suhaily had everything taken care of so me, Joanne and Elvin had pretty much nothing to do, except for standing behind the class, looking dead and yet, PROMISCUOUS. And yes, we were looking like idiots. [:
After admin was recess for the sec ones and the class leaders. During recess, I sat with Krishna for a while had a little intimate chat with her. Hehe, whoo ! *makes horny face* What, I know you're jealous. So stop looking at me like that ! Haha, okay, that phrase is starting to sound ridiculous. It's as if I'm really talking to you and stuff like that. Well, you get what I mean. ;D
After recess, it was maths tour time ! Right, so boring one lor. Maths tour should be programmed for tomorrow instead of the first day of school. The sec ones were also needed to do maths some more. On the first day of school! OO amazing right?
The sec ones were supposed to assemble in the carpark after their recess. So, the class leaders were then required to sit behind our classes. While I was sitting, Ms Gan came by and went to crap again with me. Lmao, cos I went through this operation you see, and my toe was casted. So, Ms Gan trotted by and asked me, "eh what happened to your toe?" Alamak, haha, well, she's not the only one who asked me though. Anyway, so I told her lor. Then idk why, after that our conversation dragged to her ruining her friend's holiday. OO, I know. Weird right? Eventually, I felt so paiseh! I also dunno why I felt like that, but I think it was because of Krishna. She asked me to tell 1N2 to stand up. So I go ask them to stand up lor. Then Mr Kwek asked them to sit back down instead. He kao pei one la he! ZZZ. Then they were confused whether to stand or not. That, was the reason why I was paiseh-ed. Idiot.
After that, Mr Seow, our new sc teacher, along with Mdm Zarinah, called all the class leaders of the other NA and NT classes towards him for a briefing about the Maths Tour. I dont really remember what happened during the briefing, but we were kinda pissed with Mr Seow sia. Fucker. I think he scolded us for something we didnt do. or something like that le. Tsk.
Anyway, we proceeded with the Maths Tour and I tell you, it was so stupid. So kao pei. The first station, the question was already so hard. The class was supposed to find the area of this pentagon. Fuck, I already dunno how to do, they expect a sec one NA class to be able to do it. The PSLs' there wasnt any help sia. They asked me to explain the question when actually, they were the ones who were supposed to do it. It was really hard trying to explain to them cos I'm afraid that later, they couldnt hear me or they didnt understand. After all that drama, we were supposed to be leaving for the next station but then 1N2 havent finished yet with their question outside the PE room. Me, Elvin and Joanne were like, "Okay, let's go to the next station" but then Mr Ng was like telling us, "Just wait for them to finish. 5 mins more" Wtf la he; he also kao pei one. Pukimakish steamer. Hui Shi and Azlin were like, "Hurry up la, you're already so late" Fuck sia, what do you want us to do? Mr Ng la! Zzz. All his fault one la. I feel like slapping his face lor.
Finally, we were moving again, this time, to the student's corner next to the training room. They were then needed to make shapes and stuff like that. It was at least more fun la. Haha. After that, we headed to the small air-con room above the library. Alamak, I still do not know what it's called. Oops. Haha, eh wait. I go drink apple juice now arhx. be right back.
. . . . . . . .
okay, I'm back. Phew, that didnt long did it? Alright. Now, where was I? Oh yes. While we were inside, they were then supposed to cut out this picture from the paper given. Then, they're supposed to fold it and glue it and sniff it. Haha, okay maybe not sniff it. Oh ya! The glue smelled like pi sai. Idk how to spell, but walao, it really smelled like nose shit. Hahaha.
When we were just about to leave that unknown room, Angelin, who was one of the PSL's in-charge there, told me, "eh hannah is so chio leh" HAHAHA.
After that, we headed back to class, I THINK, IDK LAAAAA. I forgot already lor. Then after that I think got time to learn some cheers and had some preparation time for the campfire during the camp. Alamak, the cheers section was lame, I could hardly do anything cos Hajjaz told me to let Joanne and Elvin conduct most of the stuff cos I'm only just their so-called 'cushion'. Anyway after blahblahblah, DONE! We're finished for the first day. As a whole, that day really sucked, cos the class was quite uncooperative. Lmao, I hated them. Cheh! Hahahahaha. Okay, I laugh way too much. *slaps myself*
The next day was goddamn better than the previous one. I reported to school, yet again, much earlier cos of those stupid, but promiscuous class tags la. But unfortunately, it was raining. Wtf, the other sc also came to school early for nothing. Anywho, the sec ones were supposed to be assembled in the hall instead. Then blahblahblah, we went back to class for a while then blahblahblah. After that we left class again for to start off the second orientation day. This day, was indeed much better cos it was incredibly more fun than yesterday. Firstly, they went for the mass dance. Haha, so pai seh. The class leaders, plus the mass dance people were supposed to demo the dance on top of the stage. Fuck sia hahaha felt like dying. My toe was killing me some more.
Anyway, the Wei Jie was so kao pei! He kept on not wanting to dance, so he kept on having bf gf time with his sexy gf from 1T2 (Now he broke up already with her le. I think that sexy girl steaded with this other guy who is such a flat character to me). Haha, then me and Nam kept asking them to dance but then they kept giving lame excuses, saying that they're having stomach cramps, leg cramps and other kinds of related shit. Zzz.
After that, was their recess time. Fuck! I lost my phone lor! I suddenly went to check my pockets, but then, my phone wasnt inside. Chee bye laaaa. Good thing Nam was there to help. Just when recess time was about to end, Nam called my phone etc. then after that she told me that my phone was with Aliffah. WTF?! I dont even remember lending it to fah siahhs. Lmao. I was scared for nothing lor. Hahaha alamak. Phew, too much drama.
Anyway, the NA and NT people continued with their mass dance and blahblahs. After that 1N2 played games such as wacko and the name game. The name game didnt go very well cos its like, 40 students in a large circle. They would surely not be able to hear me one la. Fuck sia. Somehow, we managed to pull it off and we played wacko next. Wacko was fun la. However, some of the girls in 1N2 were sian cos the guys didnt wanna call the girls' names. LOL.
In between the games, it was time for 1N2's photo-taking. During it, Zhen Hao was like telling me that he wasnt needed to get a photo since he was a repeat student. But then, Mrs Goy, now known as Ms Lim told me otherwise.
After all that drama, we went back to class and did something I dont really remember. Then then, like that only lor. Done for the second orientation day. Yay, I was starting to love 1N2 lor. Haha.
ORIENTATION CAMP TIME! The previous night before the camp, I was so lazy to pack. Haha. So I just packed anyhow. I dumped quite a lot of useless stuff in my bag, but then I forgot to bring the more important stuff, like extra plastic bags. Curses.
Anyway, during the camp, we continued the mass dance. After dance then the sec ones played some station games. Haha, shit they didnt get to play caterpillar chairs cos there wasnt enough time. Curses.
Anyway, after a couple of games, 1N2 was needed to do some cheers. Haha, Elvin and Joanne were great but then their voices wasnt loud enough, so I stepped in. Haha, they were so loud. Lols, I was really proud of my 1N2. ;D
Haha, during the cheers, Alios told me he needed to put something back in class. So I went there with him.
Syaifullah: Eh, so which school are you from arhx? Alios: Shuqun. Syaifullah: Oh. So you know anyone from shuqun who's in this school? Alios: I know Deon only.
HAHAHAHA! I found our conversation very weird and funny. I also dont know why siahhs. LOLS.
After that need to go to Friday prayers. Then after that we went back to school. Me and the other malay boys from 1N2 were like finding the 1N2 people, cos we were like, lost? All the sec one classed shifted that's why! Haha, but finally, we found them. I got changed into my sec one orientation shirt 08 then went to do toilet duties. LOL, it sounds so qi guai.
After that, me, Joanne and Elvin taught them some new cheers and learnt the campfire songs required for tonight. After that, I taught most of the girl's the dance routine for the skit 1N2's going to perform for the campfire. Haha, they learn fast! But, of course, some were unable to. But in the end, most did fabulously. After all that, we rested for a while after Glenda went in to write a message about saving our voices for the campfire. Haha, thanq Glenda!
Soon, we left the classroom to have dinner! Haha, dinner was fun. Why? I felt like a waiter that's why! They keep asking me for milo one lor. There were even people from differet classes who even asked me for milo. Unfortunately, the promiscuous milo wasnt enough. So pukified.
After dinner, we headed up to the hall for the campfire! Whooo, had so much fun. 1N2's item was the only one with a dance inside. Oops. When it was 1N2's turn to perform, they were still unsure of the choreography of the skit sia. Alamak, that time Zhen Hao was beside me. So I told him, we're so gonna lose sia. They looked so gong one. HAHAHAHAHA. Anyway, OMGOSH, I cant believe I danced with them. I was so pai seh but for the sake of 1N2, I prevailed hehe.
Eventually, Zhen Hao called me, saying he has to go to the lavatory. Haha, so I pei-ed him go lor. I couldnt possibly let him go himself right. So dark already, plus I was scared that later he disappear somewhere then later also I will kana one. LOLS.
After all that, it was 1A's turn to perform. Woah, I saw this really cute 1A girl sia. It was love at first sight. Hahaha, so cheesy. Anyway, so far I think 1A was one of the best, besides my 1N2 of course. ;D hehe.
Soon after that, Nam went to call me behind. So, I headed towards her.
Nam: Eh, how come they're here with my class? (I looked towards her class, 1T2) Syaifullah: Eh? (Gives faces towards Wei Jie, Alios and Zhen Hao who were sitting with Adrial etc) Syaifullah: Aiyah, nevermind one la. As long as they dont make problem can ald la.
HAHAHA. Then, idk why suddenly me and Nam became very high sia. Got this one guy from 1T2 (the Shut Up and Drive guy) who said this, "Why are the seniors all so crazy one?" Hahahaha. Me and Nam were indeed siao siao one during that period of time. He kept asking us to shut up then we would reply 'and drive' dramatically.
For example, ...
Shut Up and Drive guy: Shut up. Nam and me: ... and Drive Drive Drive Drive!
HAHAHAHAHOOOHAHAHAHOOOHAHA. Woah, I overwhelm myself; I crack myself up. Then after that, he went to call Adrial and told him that we were crazy etc. Haha you know something? Since I was very drama that time, he told me I was cute! Hahahaha, weird right?
Anyway, after all that, they went to the canteen to have supper. Then, we went back to class to gather all their stuff. And in a matter of minutes, the guys and the girls parted ways. Haha, sounds so fksjghslkjioyrir lor.
The guys were supposed to sleep in the hall while the girls were supposed to sleep in either the music room, training room or the dance studio. Suddenly, while the sec one guys were setting up their sleeping bags, this male teacher suddenly called me. So I went to him lor. He asked me, "Are they supposed to go wash up now?" Then I looked at Zhen Hao who was sitting on the hall floor, shaking his head. Then I replied promiscuously, "Umms, no? They can wash up if they want to. If they dont want also nevermind." LOLS, aiyah, I dont blame them la. That male teacher, whom I still do not know, looks so pukilicious. Exhilarating right? Oh ya, he also looks so hateful. Hahahaha I look at his face I already feel like laughing! Oh no, fuck that karma. *snaps fingers downwards*
Blahblahblah, and finally, it was time for them to go to sleep. Eventually, the other class leaders were supposed to gather back in the canteen. There was a meeting on who was going to be the best camper etc. After all that jazz, I went to eat cup noodles with Seribaba etc.
After that, me, Adila and someone else who I cant remember went up to the councillor room to give Audrey her cup noodles, since she was waiting up there all alone to take care of the bags in there. After that, I went back to the hall. Lols, I played a game of 'TAICHI' with Aizat, somebody, and Azuan. thenthen, fuck sia, Ms Lim came along and reprimanded us for doing so. Hence, we had to stop playing. Curse her and her sexy and promiscuous figure. What, it's true okay. *shocked face*
Before sleeping, I went to walk around the hall to ensure the guys were asleep. Unfortunately, I stopped infront of this guy cos suddenly, I saw a cockroach beside this guy's sleeping bag. Wtf sia. I suddenly said softly, "Fuck sia, cockroach." Then idk why, the guy suddenly woke up and turned as if he could hear me saying that. Creepy. He eventually suddenly jumped to his feet after seeing it. OMG, after that drama, he went back to sleep. Zzz lmao la. Haha, Azuan so kepo. The cockroach then was almost outside til he went to nudge it with his foot. Then guess what happened next? The cockroach scurried in its opposite direction instead and hid in this other guy's sleeping bag. Alamak.
After sleeping, I went to wake up. Walao! I still felt so sleepy sia. Anyway, after some time, we had breakfast and blahblah. Prize-giving then blahblah. Break camp. Fuck sia, this always happens to me. I was sad lor that time, cos I finally felt as if I've bonded with 1N2. I love so them so much already sia. Haha.
Shit, then next was CCA Fair. I'm not going to elaborate on that. & oh ya, Alios brought my specs back home with him! Fucker la he. LOL.
Thus, look at it. So fucking long right ? You cant blame me. SC's one of the most memorable things in my life. Almost every single thing which happened, I could remember and also, type it down. See how paranoid I was about it ?
SC had opened my eyes, my heart and my soul to be a whole new better person. SC had also caused to get to know all those people I've loved and cared about. Without SC, I wouldnt have known them at all. One example, was Zeke.
You all would know the story about this if you'd look through and find my past posts or, read my next post. I'm, somehow, going to relive that moment, which I've lost a year lost ago.
Nevertheless, this post aint about anything else, but SC. I really do not have anything else to say cos most of my feelings about this matter had already been felt too by other fellow ex Student Councillors, Glenda and Jia Li.
Please, take a look at their posts on SC when you have the time.
Well, I'm not going to quote from neither Jia Li's nor Glenda's blogs cos hey, there's so much to be quoted. We all have different ways of expressing ourselves about the love we have for SC. The common thing was this, we all have similar motives. We all love SC and yes, we're all standing by our stands on all the injustices faced by us all.

This is such a precious and treasure picture. I cant believe I was so obsessed over SC that I even made this piece of art. ;D
There's Goygoy Beast(Yi Han), Kaya Beast(Glenda), Sexy Beast(Ying Nam), Kerosene/Act Shuai Beast(Wee Song, Shuai Beast(Limus), Goose Beast(Jia Li), Sick Beast(Hui Lin), Drama Beast(Me), Flexible Beast(Azri), Slow Beast(Hui Yuan), Blurr Beast(Chu Thing), 100% Bodoh Beast(Hajjaz), Fire Beast(Raden), AAA Beast(Ahmad) and Haversack Beast(Yong Shun). Sorry if I missed out anyone though. I love the BEASTS ! -quoted by Syaifullah
This was found from one of my posts. Omg, the love for SC. Cant believe its all going to be gone soon. TT, and yes, we didnt even have a proper stepping down ceremony. The one my batch had was in a stuffy, crowded old classroom. And now, I dont even think we would be invited to SCs June Camp for our traditional stepping down ceremony, just like how the previous batches had. Its like, all the things we do for SC, was not even appreciated and instead, we were labelled as a disgrace. What did we do to deserve this ?
Well, all good things come to an end huh. (:
D: I'm ending this post with pictures with me in them which I found in Jia Li's blog. WTF ?!
 We were fishing with our Curve Rules. ;D
 I know, my legs are sexily thin huh. ;D
 Look look ! My sexy legs again. ^^
 Jia Li ! How could you possibly take this picture when I was practically saving the world by reducing usage of electricity by attempting to turn off the air-con with an ugly broom ?! {:
Before I go, even Edmund, believe it or not, an EX-STUDENT COUNCILLOR, even told me one time that he too, somehow loved SC, as in doing their duties. He said they were quite fun sometimes. Haha.
NOTE: I LOVE THE SC ORIGINALS AND NOT THE WANNABE PSLs-SC MEMBERS. SC would never have my blessings on this matter. I would never really accept them as part of SC. Not now, not ever.
And aiyah, Baby's away in Taiwan till next Sunday ! TT ! IMYVM ! ;D