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► / Thursday, December 24, 2009 @ 1:42 AM
1) PLEASE FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER GUYS! CLICK HERE. 2) Why is 7-11 so mean?! The things there are so expensive. 3) I've still not done any assignment yet oh no I'm screwed. Okay not yet. 4) I've still yet to go out with Hannah! Wanting to bring Jasmine and Remus along hehehe idc I will force him to go. 5) Cover still not done yet! The one w Vivian also ain't done. 6) Zakk's not in Singapore! Guitar lesson postponed. =( 7) I've still yet to repair my laptop. Vonzell needs her sound and webcam restored. (Y) 8) I can't wait for 9 new episodes of Glee to start airing next April! 9) Quinn's voice from Glee is so sexy! 10) I know your eyes hurt from reading all these closely-packed lines heh heh. 11) Invading Zany's tagboard is becoming so boring and uncool already. 12) SI Finals this Sunday! I might be sleeping over at my grandparents' by then. 13) I am having a dilemma in Pokemon! I have no one to teach 'Cut' to and I'm not willing to lose any of the existing Pokemon I have! 14) I've still yet to go out with Jiali and Adila! 15) I want to watch Avatar idc what Alvin and Gene said about it, it looks promising. (Y) 16) Stupid Alvin, talked me into have our class outing next holiday. 17) I really need to record my classmates saying 'boom' for my XDM assignment! 18) Planning to go to the arcade with Nazi and Alvin one day before school starts. Maybe we'd drag Ella along haha. 19) WHY ARE MY FRIENDS SO MEAN TO ME?!! Locking their blogs is one thing, but not inviting me, that's just plain mean. Act yi ge sia you guys! Hahaha. 20) This is a very pointless post. This post would self-destruct in 10 seconds. Okay fine it's not. ► / Monday, December 21, 2009 @ 3:00 AM LOOK AT THIS! This is Alvin. He is training to become Singapore's Next Top Terrorist. Perhaps even bigger than ... AHHH SHIT I FORGOT WHAT'S THAT GUY'S NAME HAHAHA. The guy who escaped through a toilet and swam to Malaysia HAHAHAHAHA. No seriously, someone please tell me! I feel so puas! I completed every single level in L4D2 at Normal mode! HAHAHAHAHAHA. Damn exciting, but it's really hard, harder than the Normal in L4D. I really miss dancing. And singing in front of a crowd. Any lobangs? :> Oh and me and Vivian were planning to make a cover song during one of these days! Heh heh. Guess what, for our exhibition last Wednesday me and Alvin actually wanted to kick the doors of our classroom open and sing our theme song and dance our way inside. HAHAHAHA, epic entrance sia. I'll go like ... Me: 'Let's get it started, in hereeeee.' Alvin: 'And the rest keep running running (Me: & running running) x3 (each time we'd go sing the phrase on a higher key hahaha) I swear if you imagined this in your head, it would sound a whole lot sexier and funnier. Ah so anyway, we didnt in the end. Attempted to try it on Ella but we failed. I are ashamed. Hehehehehe idk why I'm hehe-ing but idc it's a free country. Okay maybe not. GLEE! Hurry up will you on Season 2! I fucking cant wait till April. :< this why I'm mad (mad) this is why I'm mad (mad) this is why, this is why, this why I'm mad (mad). Did it ever occur to you that the first verse in 'Bounce - Cab' are all about pressing lips? HAHAHAHA DAMN FUNNY. :> Ah I keep typing emoticons like :> or :B or whatnot because it's so incredibly sexy omg it's so orgasmic. I really need to get started on my assignments. I dont want to die a few days before school starts. Plus I have BIG BIG ideas on what to do for my xdm video assignment! But still cant decide on an awesome topic yet. It has to be the perfect and self-righteous topic that would arouse peoples' sex glands. I think I work best under those kinds of conditions. ... okay time to prank call Ainsley. Look at what I did. ![]() Ainsley & Alvin HEHEHEHE. READ: Vivian keeps roaring at me, like literally roar. It's so 'scary' hahaha. (Y) ► / Saturday, December 19, 2009 @ 9:39 PM I AM BACK. (Y) w a vengeance, heh heh. But I'll be gone again eventually because that's what I am, everything you're not. Okay that didn't make sense but guess what does! Haha, it's our 3 week holiday nao! Yes I can finally sleep to my heart's content and that's mainly why I'm so happy. :D x100000 But my lecturers are so damn bipolar I swear it hurts my heart when I think about it. =( I still have, assignments to do!
Life is hard. But mine's so exciting (at least to me) when you have amazing friends to share it with! I've been so busy lately, like really busy. So I really need them. :B READ: My brother just talked to himself aloud and I am deeply disturbed. So yea, have taken lots of videos and pictures for sheer fun because if we dont create the fun, there wouldnt be any at all. =( I am a Facebook addict because it's awesome. (Y) I mean, who else isn't? It's the in-thing nowadays and young and cool people like me have to keep up. *flicks hair* Aw I really have to catch up with my secondary and poly mates! Miss them like crazy already. BUT IT'S AS IF WE'RE ALL SO DAMN MIA LA, IT'S HARDER TO BE CONTACTABLE AND IT'S A FRIGGIN' HOLIDAY SOME MORE. The irony in life, it burns. My English, it's fail. It's times like these that hits us and makes us realize that WE. NEED. ENGLISH. LESSONS. I know right, I can just see it, my English is breaking down on me in front of my eyes. Have been watching Glee! If you guys followed me on Twitter, you'd get updated on my daily and juicy events. Hahaha wtf juicy. Omfg why doesnt SP have a Glee club?! Mercedes is such an awesome vocalist! Ahhhh I'm in love. Terri's from Heroes and she's damn pretty. (Y) Ah Sue Sylvester, her acting is brilliant. Thank you Isaac for introducing me to this magical tv series. I think I made Jasmine gaga over it already haha. (Y) I'll blog again soon, I'm tempted to play L4D2 naoz. :> hehe ► / Tuesday, December 01, 2009 @ 12:17 AM Hear me, I hereby declare that I dont read other peoples' blogs anymore. If I chance upon yours and tag, it means you're blessed. :B Back to work. |