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► / Sunday, January 31, 2010 @ 12:15 AM
Oh yea I got an A for my HTI essay which I thoroughly fucked and was one of the 6/19 to get a full 4/4 for my latest MP assignment. No one can stop me baybeh I'm onnah role! But I have a feeling I'd screw my EDS. And XDM, I still don't know what we actually have to do lulz. What a drag. ► / Saturday, January 30, 2010 @ 11:18 PM HELLO PIPOLL. Today was a good day. I had my bubble tea again and it always spells good day. Many things happened so far so bear with meh. I forget fast though so I would forget many events, 3 second memory span ugh so not cool. Alright so my parents went to forum thing a few weeks ago and made friends with Yvonne's and Adi's parents no joke. HAHAHA. OF ALL PEOPLE. Even Vivian's and Alvin's came! So they managed to converse with Maniya and she commented that she always saw me drawing last minute sketches during class. THIS. IS. A. TOTAL. LIE. Truth be told, I ALWAYS complete any VS assignment before I come to class. =( Maybe she got confused because Vivian was sitting beside me at the time and she always did last minute VC work hehe. *flicks hair* Btw my storyboard rendering was so sexy lor idc what you say Alvin. :< ![]() Hey look, I really miss doing Ontography. (above) I seriously feel like doing that my whole life man, I swear. Ainsley Vivian Gene Hanwei, we really need to have that hair flick contest asap. I am really in the mood for some hardcore flicking. Don't worry, I'll give you guys chance. Hehehehehehe. (Y) So anyway today me and Gene went for Vivian's 18th Birthday party. I LOST MY $50! WTF. It was my allowance for the whole of next week sigh. This is seriously karma. =( Oh so Vivian's party right, the food there was so awesome though! They served food like sushi, black pepper-tasting chicken, fried chicken, CEREAL PRAWNS OMG I LIKE, sausages and a mushroom dish. <3 ![]() Sushi! FAIL glow stick pictures. Don't laugh at me. =( Well at least it compensated for the emo time we had there. Only the 2 of us from school of design, sigh. The rest all cmi. =( Bought lots of junk though nowadays. ![]() Shrimp wanton omg this is damn nice seriously. :D And look at what I made for MP! ;) So cute right? Hahaha it's actually a sugar holder at first but oh well, now it's a multi-purpose holder hehe. ![]() Ainsley drew the above! It was some guy from Project Runway. Btw, ANTM Season 13 is so awesome. I personally like Nicole, Erin, Brittany and maybe Rae a bit. All of them are so pretty. :D Nicole won though, kind of predicted lol. ![]() ![]() Took all these on the same day. Had to bring some stuff to school for some assignment. And people started to play with my sexy tennis set and blow bubbles. We are such cool people. *wipes tear* What's more, we even played with my Scrabble! Had such an awesome time. Well mainly because I beat Alvin hehehe what an accomplishment. Oh and Ainsley looks so HAHAHAHAHA in the bubble picture. It's as if he's running to eat the bubble. Lulz. Just like what I did. :D Okay I know it doesn't taste very good but it was damn fun haha. Sigh, lots of things to do and I know this post lacks drama (cheh) Next post I promise. :> OMG THIS EMOTICON IS SO CUTE HEHEHE KTHXBAI. ► / Sunday, January 24, 2010 @ 10:51 PM THANK YOU ELLA FLORES ROCHELLE ETC! YOU REALLY GAVE ME A REASON TO LIVE. ► / Friday, January 22, 2010 @ 11:51 PM I was planning to blog today but I realized I have more important matters to attend do. I will blog soon guys! Maybe tomorrow. (Y) Anywayyyy, I need to manage my time so don't mind me if I sporadically use my blog to organize my thoughts hehehehheheh. Friday. I think that's all. Today I did not drink any bubble tea btw! Wheeee. What an accomplishment! (Actually it was because I was full from my Mac dinner earlier but who cares) And I am so going to buy a very sexy peach coloured copic marker soon! Omg my storyboard is definitely going to be beyond sexy manzxzx. True story. Kthxbai, time to trace out my storyboard again! After I play NFS. B) ► / Wednesday, January 13, 2010 @ 12:47 AM Enjoy. (Y) ► / Thursday, January 07, 2010 @ 9:02 PM ![]() Ah, Lauren Brie. *meltz* Hot hot hot. Monday 1) XDM Video. 2) A1 Mounting Board full of pictures, facts and subject information about my Rafflesia topic. 3) 10 objects associated with my Rafflesia topic. 4) 3 concept clay models of tableware. Wednesday. 1) HTI 500-700 word Essay. 2) GEMs Exam. Pending Assignments. 1) HTI 28 Chapter Journal Entries. 2) Last HTI Essay. 3) EDS 50 pages of explorative sketches. 4) EDS 10 morphological models. 5) EDS Final Exhibition. 6) MP 2 Refined Models. 7) MP Final Model + Presentation Board. (and many more to come for the remaining 6 weeks) What's worse, I refuse to shift place in class. Ugh, I really liked my area. FML. ► / Tuesday, January 05, 2010 @ 9:48 PM So 2009 has been a trying year. Hopefully 2010 would be better. No, I'm kidding. It won't! Because Edwin just HAD to tell us that the amount we had to do would just escalate higher and higher each time because I have a feeling Thierry the course leader or something doesn't like us. I'm sure he regards us as threats because we're so bloody talented for them to handle. :D HEHEHEHEHE. ![]() This was done during the holidays, on the day of my EDS Music-Inspired Foam Model Exhibition thing! HAHAHAHAHAHA. (Y) Okay so, have been really busy! Ugh, assignments have been pouring in and today I had the displeasure of drawing Syntatic Analysis-looking VC drawings! We had to draw and render our hands holding water bottles and it isn't as easy as it looks I swear! I fucking hate drawing hands, SAD LIFE. Me and Vivian kept asking Maniya and Erik for help because we had difficulty in rendering. And just when I had my drawing mojo running, Vivian kept finding a way to disrupt it because she kept asking me for help too since her hand drawings look disproportionate HAHAHAHA. (A) And we got bored shortly after so I gave Ainsley a treat as shown below. :D ![]() But he removed it shortly after and bullied me by pasting each in random pages of my Monologue sketchbook while I was away at Hotshot buying a hotdog. =( Why are people so mean to me I just don't get it. Sigh. Btw why are pipoll so mean to the banglas?! Racist Facebook groups. Why am I not surprised? Recently many immature people are still not moving on and have used their so-called 'groups' to stir controversy again. What else? The Singapore Idol thing, ugh it's sad. And what's more sad, Tabitha ain't even in the finals omg what a travesty! Appalling. *flicks hair* Oh and guess what?! I am blogging today because I'm more free today than other days! Burskha! Alright I am officially scared because I suddenly remembered Alvin telling me just now in school that we shouldn't cut our toenails at night omg. I USUALLY CUT BOTH MY FINGERNAILS AND TOENAILS AT NIGHT! Die. And I talked Vivian into watching Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction You guys should seriously watch it before YouTube gets it's PMS again and removes them away! Fucking awesome, need I say more? Okay I'll tell you. The show would usually show us maybe 5 supernatural scenarios and we are given the liberty to predict which is real and which is fake. And at the end of the show, they'd reveal the truth. So the twist here is this, ... those who we actually think could NEVER happen, could have actually happened before. SCARY RIGHT OKAY I KNOW NOW IT'S NOT BECAUSE YOU'RE READING TEXTS. So watch it! Two thumbs up. (Y)(Y) Oh, don't eat the Mac Beef Prosperity burger thing, it sucks. Firstly, it has ONIONS. Major turn-off to normal people like me, and I know you guys don't wna hear more. But I'll tell you anyway. :> I ate it today after school and it is flooded with gravy and it tastes so weird! Even Alvin said so. BRING BACK SHAKER FRIES! Twister fries doesn't even taste like fries anymore, more like potato wedges. In other words, Shaker Fries > Twister Fries Hehehe. \m/ My mum is asking me about sex awareness. I am deeply disturbed. Guess what else is disturbing? Look below! WTF RIGHT, SICKER THAN ME UGH. We had to choose a really important subject for my first project of the term for EDS. And of all animals and plants, I chose an incredibly sexy rafflesia. Good luck to you Syai, good luck. *claps* Oh and guess what else happened on that day?!! Edwin: Have you watched Avatar? Me: Uh, not yet. Edwin: YOU HAVE TO WATCH IT!!! Wendy: HUH OMG?!?!! YOU NEED TO WATCH!! Vivian: LOL, first time hearing teacher ask the student to watch a movie. JIALI THAT STUPID BITCH DOESN'T WANT TO HELP SUCH A POOR INNOCENT SOUL LIKE ME WITH MY XDM VIDEO ASSIGNMENT. I am so momentarily depressed. Just like how I was yesterday while doing my vacuum cleaner rendering thing (as shown below) because I was procrastinating like crazy and ended up staying up till 5am to complete it and it still looks like shit! I confess, minimal effort was exerted. =( Click here to view. Charice's Note to God is playing on repeat now and I can't stop laughing. *wipes tear* I keep getting flashbacks of her epic mannerisms and facial expressions the other time she sang this song at the Singapore Idol Grand Finals. Haha. Ugh, I have this really bad ulcer on my inner lip and it fucking hurts. Was supposed to buy the gel thing today but I forgot. Great, I just had to accidentally bite myself the other day I went out with Alvin and Khairi during the holidays. Heh heh, we went to the Bugis arcade and ate dinner at the BK nearby because we were rejected by LJS. Hahaha, since it was full. This was during the Countdown day though, and afterwhich, I went over to Chantal's house to celebrate with Benedict, Chantal, Justin and Zhilin. Had an awesome time! That reminds me, my mum still refuses to buy tissue boxes wtf! Look at this! ![]() Tell me you feel my pain. =( FML. And I know right, I didn't remember doing anything wrong. B) And before that day, I went back to school with Wenling and Grace to get started on my assignments lulz. Guess what?! We even went over to IMM for dinnah heh heh, thank god we didn't get yelled at by any senile senior citizen regarding H1N1 like last time. =( HAHAHAHAHA DAMN EPIC SIA THAT TIME. Alright, long post to compensate from all those days I neglected my blog but oh well. More things to say but I have to get back to perfecting my XDM video. I know Gene, I where got so hardworking one? Ah well. *flicks hair* Celebrated Zhenyi's belated 18th birthday today! Pssst, mine's coming up, 8th February! Happy Birthday Weien! Happy Birthday Zavier! Happy Birthday Rahmat! Happy Birthday Zhenyi! |