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► / Wednesday, April 21, 2010 @ 12:25 AM
I SHALL BLOG ABOUT TODAY TOMORROW OR SOMETHING! After Gene actually decides to transfer pictures. Especially to me cos well, we've known each other for 7 years already and counting. *flicks hair* And btw, I GOT STUCK WITH DOING INDIAN FOOD FOR MY STUDIO PROJECT BECAUSE I WAS THE LAST ONE TO COME TO CLASS TODAY! I was actually damn punctual, (9.04am mind you) but I made a trip to the toilet till 9.40 cos I had a stomache. Hahaha. OH IT WAS SADDDDD, COS WE GOT THE LAST POSITION TO CHOOSE A LOCAL FOOD THEME. Grrr, Erik is so guai lan. STILL CAN LAUGHHHHHH. So anyway, now we have to find out more about Indian culture and I swear our Indian Food War Room mindmap is like damn awesome la. Ella kept spamming hearts and stupid clouds all over the place while I barricaded mine by drawing sharp haphazard edges. Hehehehehehehehe. Enjoyed today. 'BINDIS' FOR EVERYONE! HAHAHAHAHAHA. CURRY POWER. LOLLLLL. Oh noez, I am damn racist don't judge me. Pictures coming soon! Kthxbai. Tomorrow I have to tahpau roti prata because me and Vivian chose that for our focus. HAWHAWHAW. ► / Tuesday, April 20, 2010 @ 12:30 AM So the first day of school today was awesome because I got to meet my friends again. Besides that, today was so dry! I almost died during my VC lesson cos we were supposed to redesign the logo name of FireDog!. But since I don't currently have my laptop with me, my handwritten designs didn't prove to be as effective. So I was practically withering and dying beside Vivian cos I got bored. Hey hey, you know what? I'm beginning to dig my new sitting arrangement. Sitting there's like damn cozy man! But we're so in front ugh, I hate it. And the rest of Class 1 is situated way back, leaving this large volume of space between us. WEIRD OR WHAT. So much discrimination in the world! =O!!! BTW HP CAN YOU HURRY UP?!! HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO REFORMAT EVERYTHING, SERIOUSLY?!?!! >: Oh and we have a new classmate naoz. HAWHAWHAW, no idea who he is. And guess what, Vivian has considered not switching to DVMD already! Fuck yeah! Fecthed Mathchaszx at Dover during VC because they had class beside my class at 12! So I offered to bring them there since they didn't know where it was. Looks like them and Class 57 would be stationed there for CF! Awesomeeee. So during our VC break, Vivian left for somewhere for a while! So me, Alvin, Isabel and Caroline went to spam her laptop's webcam with our pictures and I even set one of them as her desktop's wallpaper! HAHAHAHAHAHA DAMN FUNNY WE WERE SCREAMING AS WE WERE SNAPPING AWAY LOL! (Y) ![]() ![]() Fuck yeah we are such awesome pipolzxc. :D I am a fucking greedy boy today. We had very little time for lunch today because some guai lan lecturer by the name of Edwin decided to be bitchy and gave us a 20 minute briefing so we only ended up with having 10 minutes for lunch. Hahahah, kidding. But seriously, we really had only 10 minutes! AHHHHHH. So we rushed down to FC3 and I bought myself Chicken Chop! :D BUT THEY HAD NO FREAKIN' ONION RINGS NUUUU. It was so sad, really. And the chicken was damn small I swear I was still hungry after I ate it! So we hurried to T1461 for our CRS lesson and made Gene present for us. Huahuahua. Damn imba. Hahax. Then we go back to class lor. For XDM with Thierry who happens to be so particular about everything bah. (HAHAHA SEMANGAT ZY OR WHAT SIA, ELLA? HEHEHE) But nevertheless, he's so freakin' awesome! He's a French dude and I never even knew since just now! Had 7 freakin' degrees or masters or whatever you call it in his life so far. After that, we had dinner at KFC! And give me a hell yeah, gave the receipt back to the lady and she misread it and asked '4 crispy chicken?' So being the Maray that I am, of course I said yes! HAWHAW, I'm walking on sunshine OH OH OHHHH. Oh and me and Hanwei have to yet to change our super secret handshake because the one we previously had is now being passed on from generation to generation around the world. So yea, hahaha. READ: This blog post is so not meant to be posted. Lolol. ► / Sunday, April 18, 2010 @ 11:02 PM School's starting tomorrow! Fucking excited. So if you're excited, give me a fuck yeah! Okay, maybe I'm not that excited. Just really anxious. Idk if I'm ready for the hardcore lifestyle I used to have before the holidays again. To be honest, I have this orgasmic feeling that I'm not. I'm so screwed. Please let me do awesomely this semester. =( ► / Wednesday, April 14, 2010 @ 2:16 AM I'LL BE BACK. I'm still trying to find the old me. It's harder than I thought. ► / Thursday, April 01, 2010 @ 5:26 PM You know there's this feeling? It's like, I haven't blogged for such a long time already! And suddenly, I have this orgasmic urge to update my blog. So I update it, then, THERE'S LIKE THIS SUDDEN WAVE OF EVEN ORGASMIC-er URGE THAT OVERWHELMS ME!!! My point is, now I feel like updating redundant stuff every minute. The road still looks black now. SEE, REDUNDANT! But seriously though, I'm still waiting for the day the road magically turns into a different colour. Like when you see newly placed solidified tar, it's like pure black right? I'm still waiting for the ones nearby my house to turn GRAYYYY! I'm so excited!! :D Okay maybe not. Hahahaha. I am currently listening to Dui by Kesha now. Yes, I'm spelling Ke$ha as Kesha because I'm cool and I won't succumb to spelling it like how it could be spelt. Spelling it like that is just plain stupid. ... okay on second thought, maybe not that stupid. BUT THE LYRICS! AND THE MELODY OF THIS SONG!!! It's so catchy omg I swear it's so awesome! :D
When she sang the part 'I'm sipping gossip. Holiday Glitz' I LIKE HOW SHE SANG 'GLITZZZ' IT'S SO ... cool. And for the lines,
And don't get me started on the 'YOU YOU YOU' part. HEHEHEHEHEHE. Nice! *melts* But yea I know she can't really sing and it's not actually considered a singing type of song. But whatever. Omg guess what, it's the type of song you can cite again and again to your friends and irritate them into citing it as well! :D I think I'm going to try it with Fah later tomorrow at camp. Can't wait! *rubs hands together* That is, if I'm allowed to go. =( =( I'm still very sad. Oh! And what's sadder is the fact that I'm officially poor now. My dad's contract has ended and now he's applying for a job 2 times lesser than his previous pay. So combining with my mum's salary, our total monthly salary only amounts to 3K. And we're already struggling to meet end's meet before. NOW IT'S EVEN WORSE. Don't get surprised if you see me begging on the streets or performing for charity in cardboard makeshift houses kthx. Berpiakan, WHY IS DIDI BENAMI ELIMINATED INSTEAD OF TIM URBAN?!! At first I pitied Tim, seriously, they're being too hard on him. But now, I really really hate his fans seriously! If only he could sing more amazingly, then I guess he has it all huh? Yes, I'm still waiting to get a nosebleed. Unfair how Syazwani always gets it and brags about it on her blog. =((((((( She always likes to make me cry. *wipes tear* Guess what, if I've not been online or on Facebook or anything you guys could always connect with me on my Twitter! @ http://twitter.com/spudunculous FOLLOW ME ALRIGHT! Normally, I'll tweet random eventual things so check it out. :D Pssst, and if I'm able to go for the FOC tomorrow till Monday, I'd tweet about the happenings and experiences I'm going through during the camp! So that you guys can get updated hehehehehe got it? Alright! READ: My hair is seriously irritating me. You know what this means. *flicks hair* ;) |